Here’s What Docutame Has In Store For Your Organization

Centralized Document Storage

With Docutame, you will have total control over every document saved in the cloud-based system. From its creation to deletion, every detail can be monitored and retrieved anytime. Your valuable documents deserve a centralized and secured storage system.

Centralized Document Storage
Access Control

Access Control

With Docutame’s access control feature, you will be able to manage shared documents with ease. Restricting access only to trusted people allows organizations to keep control over document activities.

Version Control

When a team works on shared file or document, the project is bound to have numerous changes; with docutame never miss out on any changes. Version control feature highlights “what, when, who and where” kind of variations for all documents.

Version Control
Quick Search

Quick Search

70% of the time an employee is busy looking for an older file for reference. We automate this too. Yes, you can actually retrieve an older version of a file. Search for different criteria and save the criteria for future use.

Audit Trail

Watch out for every action taken on a document with time, location and date information. Audit trail feature is an effective way to protect data integrity since document changes entries can be viewed by the administrator.

Audit Trail
Document Tagging

Document Tagging

This is an important feature that deals with profiling the document as per the data it holds. In addition to the file names, descriptions and date, Docutame allows you to insert custom index fields for a broader search mechanism and instant results.

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