Worker Injured At N.J. College Gets $3M Settlement

A worker who fell from a freight elevator shaft at Kean University received a settlement of $3 million after four years for the injuries he suffered from the fall.

On May 13, 2016, the victim and his co-worker were working in the academic building on the school campus, when he fell from the shaft fracturing his skull, right wrist and suffering multiple facial fractures.  The victim was hired as a safety foreman for Sloan and Co.

According to court papers, site-superintendent misinformed the victim that the floor has a plastic foam and even violated the contract made with Otis by not using an elevator operator, which resulted in the hazard.

The victim received outpatient treatment for several months before the worker's compensation carrier refused to pay $16,000 for his care. After five weeks, he returned to work but announced his retirement a year-and-a-half later as he was not able to balance, read blueprints, and experienced cognitive problems.

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