Security Guard Gets $7.5M In Wrongful Death Suit
Fri, 07/15/2022 - 09:42

In order to resolve a wrongful death lawsuit stemming from the killing of a security officer outside a Robbins nightclub in 2018, the Village of Midlothian has agreed to pay up $7.5 million.

After a fight broke out and the officer intervened to seize one of the participants, the 26-year-old plaintiff was shot by the officer. He was shot and killed by police during a shootout, and his family later filed a lawsuit against the Midlothian Police Department and the Village of Midlothian. The settlement, to which the Village consented on July 6, still has to be approved by a court.

The shooting took place at about 4 a.m. at Manny's Blue Room, 2911 S. Claire Boulevard, on November 11, 2018. According to the Robbins Police Chief, a bar brawl escalated into gunfire when a guy left the room and came back carrying a firearm.

The plaintiff responded to fire when the man opened fire. According to witnesses at the time, he was ultimately able to restrain one of the men involved in the initial dispute and bring him to the ground outside the pub. Even though witnesses said that numerous officers from other jurisdictions screamed that the complainant was a security guard, a Midlothian police officer opened fire.

The plaintiff's family brought a federal complaint against the Village and the at-the-time-unnamed officer, charging the latter with employing excessive force and making the erroneous, unjustified, and unwarranted decision to kill the plaintiff. Cook County State's Attorney declined to file charges against the officer in October 2020.

The sole inheritor of the plaintiff's fortune is his daughter.

Plaintiff Framed In Murder To Get $7.5M From Detroit
Thu, 07/14/2022 - 10:24

To resolve a lawsuit filed by a man who alleged police exchanged bullets to frame him for a murder in 1992, Detroit agreed to pay $7.5 million.

With the help of gun experts, law students at the University of Michigan, and his firm belief that he was innocent, the plaintiff was freed from jail in 2017 after serving 25 years.

The plaintiff asserted his lack of greed and expressed gratitude to the City Council for approving the payment. He expressed gratitude for his continued life and the fact that he is still with his children and grandkids and did not perish in prison.

He was found guilty of murdering a friend in 1992 outside a restaurant. His mother's pistol was taken by the police and identified as the murder weapon. The University of Michigan Law School's Innocence Clinic urged the judge to reconsider the case in 2016. Two bullets that were removed from the body and photographed do not like the rounds that a defense expert studied decades before the trial.

Surprisingly, the real bullets were still in the Detroit police storage. They did not match the .38-caliber pistol that was identified as the weapon, according to examinations. A court ordered a fresh trial for the plaintiff, but the prosecution then withdrew all allegations. It was a particularly awful case with layer upon layer upon layer of police malfeasance, according to the director of the Innocence Clinic.

Even the city's expert admitted, during depositions for the case, that the police lab's decades-old gunshot study was blatantly incorrect. The scenario might be a terrible error or a purposeful gaffe, according to a worker who spent 32 years at the Georgia State Crime Laboratory.

Separately, the state paid the plaintiff more than $1 million for his erroneous conviction and $50,000 for each year he was imprisoned. Now that Detroit has resolved the lawsuit, he'll probably need to pay it back.

Victims' Families Of Beirut’s Port Blast File $250M Lawsuit
Thu, 07/14/2022 - 09:56

According to a Swiss organization, families of some of the victims of Beirut's catastrophic port bomb have sued an American-Norwegian company for $250 million.

The corporation is thought to have been involved in transporting the explosive material to the port. The case was filed on Monday, according to Accountability Now, whose goal is to help Lebanese civil society's efforts to remove the leaders' impunity. According to the organization, there are nine claimants who are either Americans or relatives of Americans.

The action is being taken at a time when a domestic investigation in Lebanon has been halted since December as a result of legal objections made by those seeking interrogation against the investigating judge.

On August 4, 2020, an explosion caused by hundreds of tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a highly explosive substance used in fertilizers and incorrectly kept in the port for years, killed close to 220 people, injured over 6,000 more, and caused billions of dollars in damage.

The Lebanese investigation reveals that the majority of government officials were aware of the hazardous goods kept at the port. The explosion exacerbated the nation's economic collapse, which had already started a year earlier and was caused by years of corruption and poor management.

According to Accountability Now, the $250 million Texas lawsuit targets U.S.-Norwegian geophysical services giant TGS, which owns the British company Spectrum Geo, and alleges that it engaged in a number of dubious but extremely lucrative contracts with the Ministry of Energy in Lebanon.

In 2012, Spectrum hired the Moldavian-flagged ship Rhosus to travel to Beirut with 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate on board, the statement continued.

According to a lawyer for Accountability Now who helped the plaintiffs, this action will compel TGS to provide Spectrum's conversations with multiple third parties that are all pertinent to the investigations in Lebanon. TGS did not immediately respond to a message left for comment on its website on Wednesday.

The attorney said that because of obstruction, the domestic investigation is presently stymied. The extra evidence we may obtain via this case will enable the judiciaries in Lebanon and elsewhere to identify specific roles and, as a result, hold the offenders accountable.

In a step toward obtaining justice for the #beirutblast, a woman whose son was the youngest victim of the explosion that destroyed the port and damaged entire neighborhoods in Beirut tweeted that a lawsuit has been filed in the US against the company that chartered the ship that brought the material to Beirut. The woman is an Australian citizen and has joined this case on behalf of her son, who was a U.S. citizen.

Four former top government officials have been accused of purposeful murder and carelessness that caused the port explosion that killed dozens of people, according to the Lebanese judge who is overseeing the inquiry into the incident in Beirut. The judge was forced to put his work on hold for more than seven months after at least two former Cabinet members launched legal challenges against him.

Amid requests by various parties, including the potent Hezbollah, to have the judge removed over accusations of prejudice, the number of officials has declined to be questioned. It's partially due to the victims' lack of prospects. They don't get any attention and are out of options in Lebanon. The plaintiffs' attorney for Accountability Now said that the judiciary is restrained and noted that the complaint is on behalf of all blast victims

Tripler Hospital To Pay $15M Over Botched Delivery
Sun, 07/10/2022 - 10:28

An Army couple whose baby suffered brain damage from a lack of oxygen during his delivery at Tripler Army Medical Center in 2018, in Hawaii has been awarded a $15 million payout by a federal court.

The couple will get an initial payment of $7.5 million as per the settlement conditions. The settlement would also include an additional $7.5 million in an annuity that would pay their son a monthly income for the rest of his life. One of the lawyers for the family said in his Honolulu office on Friday that the compensation, projected over a lifetime, amounts to around $38 million.

The settlement, which was approved provisionally by a U.S. Magistrate Judge on June 14, is now awaiting final approval by an assistant attorney general in Washington, D.C. Tripler, which is based just outside of Honolulu, makes no admissions of guilt in the agreement. It declined to comment on the situation on Friday.

According to the medical center's website, it provides tertiary treatment for the 264,000 area veterans, active-duty military members, and those who have retired from service.

According to the attorney representing, the father of the afflicted child, an enlisted soldier, was stationed in Hawaii when his wife went into labor on the evening of February 16, 2018.

Despite the mother's best efforts to birth the kid naturally throughout the night, the foetal heart monitor showed signs of concern by 6 a.m. the following day. According to the lawsuit submitted on August 28, 2020, despite the fact that his vital signs kept becoming worse, an emergency caesarean section was not carried out until shortly after 8:30 a.m. When the baby was born approximately ten minutes later, he was blue and unresponsive because his brain was not getting enough oxygen.

The C-section was delayed, according to the family's attorney, because medical staff finishing their night shift failed to adequately convey the severity of the situation to the incoming shift. He said that the attending physician was also failing to consult with nurses and floor personnel and do the necessary inspections in such a situation. The kid has seizures, cerebral palsy, and other neurological problems as a result of the poorly handled delivery, according to another lawyer for the family.

The youngster is now receiving behavioral treatment, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. At this time, he is four years old and is still developing. His parents are really optimistic that his health will keep getting better.

Mississippi County Sued For $2.75M In Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Fri, 07/08/2022 - 10:31

A federal lawsuit filed against a Mississippi county for the wrongful death of an insulin-dependent prisoner housed in the county jail has been settled for $2.75 million.

On September 24, 2014, the guy passed away in his cell at the George County Regional Correctional Facility after going for seven days without insulin. The 58-year-old former nurse of the George County prison is held responsible for his death and is currently serving a 15-year manslaughter term.

According to one of the attorneys who defended the inmate's estate, this situation resulted from a senseless and sad confluence of a lack of fundamental human compassion and regulations that made it impossible for those who wished to assist the guy to do so.

Even though the jail had insulin on hand to treat him, he passed away. At the time of his detention on September 17, 2014, his mother brought one batch of insulin to the jail, and a jailer from George County brought another quantity from the glove box of his car. The man pleaded for assistance several times while in jail as his illness worsened, but the nurse disregarded him and blamed his symptoms on methamphetamine withdrawal.

The victim's estate including his mother, and his children brought a wrongful death claim against George County, the nurse, and the city of Lucedale. Later, Lucedale's case was rejected by the judge.

The $4.3 million general fund budget for the county is more than halved by the settlement. On Monday, George County supervisors approved a motion approving the settlement sum. The county's insurance provider agreed to pay $250,000 of the total settlement amount and has already paid more than $500,000 in legal expenses.

The county was ordered by a federal judge in Gulfport to pay $1 million within 14 days of the May 31 decision and the remaining $1.75 million within 90 days of the settlement date. The ruling also requires George County representatives to apologize in writing to the victim's relatives.

According to the judge, the family went through eight agonizing years of civil and criminal litigation, as well as a baseless defamation lawsuit against the victim's mother.

The victim's family expressed gratitude for the public's interest in the issue but requested anonymity so that the victim's children may continue living their lives as normal teenagers. The family also expressed gratitude to their legal team, the previous district attorney, and the assistant district attorney for their effective handling of the criminal case. The family hopes that the ruling will encourage authorities across the country to make sure that prisoners get the right medical attention.

Family Gets $4M From Cottonwood Heights Police
Wed, 07/06/2022 - 10:34

The city of Cottonwood Heights on Friday paid $4,000,000 to the family of a man who was fatally shot by police in 2018.

The Utah Local Governments Trust, an insurance company in Cottonwood Heights, reached a settlement with the family following a gunshot by police on May 29, 2018.

The victim's mother claims that the settlement has left the family in shock. She went so far as to say that this settlement offers other families in their circumstances a platform to achieve similar outcomes, and law enforcement and other towns have realized that this behavior is no longer acceptable.

The victim's family filed a lawsuit against the Cottonwood Heights Police Department in May 2021, claiming that an officer injured their son and that the city handled the plaintiffs' protest of police wrongdoing after their child died.

According to investigators, the victim fled from the police following a collision in Cottonwood Heights. He was charged with using an airsoft or toy gun loaded with BBs to rob two different stores.

According to the documents used in the arrest, the Cottonwood Heights officer came up as the victim was fleeing, unlocked his car door, and shot him in the back while he was running. Two days later, the shooting-related complications claimed the victim's life.

The district attorney for Salt Lake County declared the shooting to be unjustified and chose not to launch an investigation.

The settlement of these claims was opposed by Cottonwood Heights' mayor, who stated in a statement that the city thought the charges in both federal and state courts were likely to be dismissed. However, the Trust's choice to put this matter to rest and avoid the dangers of a jury trial tainted by the present anti-law enforcement sentiments in society is respected by the authorities.

The police have a very tough job of keeping our neighborhood secure, and the city authorities completely back them in that effort. The devastated family has received the deepest condolences from the authorities for the death of their son.