Navy Product Manufacturers Held Liable For Navy Men’s Death

On Tuesday, March 19, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Navy product manufacturers were liable for exposure from asbestos-containing materials used in their equipment, though they did not make, distribute or install them.

The 6-3 ruling given by new Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh involved Navy veterans who were not warned about the hazards of asbestos exposure from insulation added by a third party to pumps, turbines, and blowers in three different ships. As per Tuesday's ruling, the cases filed by the families of two Navy sailors can move forward against the manufacturers, Air and Liquid Systems; CBS; Foster Wheeler; Ingersoll Rand, and General Electric. Both the veterans died of cancer during the course of the litigation. They were suffering from lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma as a result of asbestos exposure.

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