Zimmer Hip Implant Lawsuit Dismissed Over Late Filing

U.S. District Judge Edward G. Smith dismissed a plaintiff's claims over defective Zimmer prosthetic hip implant stating she failed to file the case within the two-year statute of limitations.

The plaintiff underwent total hip surgery in 2011 when she was implanted with Zimmer M/L Taper Kinectiv Stem and Neck (the “Kinectiv”) with a Versys Femoral Head (the “Versys Head”), collectively referred to as Zimmer Device. She eventually got it removed in 2015 after experiencing metallosis, which is an adverse local tissue reaction allegedly due to the implant. She filed a lawsuit in February 2017 against the hip implant maker. The Pennsylvania jury stated that she was late by just a few days in filing the case.

Zimmer lawsuits filed across the U.S. claim that the Zimmer M/L Taper Hip Prosthesis and Zimmer VerSys Hip femoral head are defectively designed,  pose major health risks when paired together, and have a tendency to corrode and leave metal pieces inside the body often needing the device to be removed.

Zimmer Durom Hip Cup lawsuits were centralized on June 9, 2010, in the U.S District of New Jersey before Judge Susan D. Wigenton as multidistrict litigation, MDL No. 2158 (In Re: Zimmer Durom Hip Cup Products Liability Litigation).

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