Growing MDLs

The FDA has the number of adverse events reported for the Morcellator related cancer incidents have reduced significantly; whereas, the number of Essure implants related adverse events reports have gone up. Two cases have also been shortlisted by the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Product Liability Litigation, MDL 2545, against Eli Lilly and other drug companies alleging that the TRT therapy leads to the development of cardiovascular and other related conditions. On the other hand, drug maker AbbVie, also faced the first bellwether trial in a federal court in Chicago earlier this June for its low-t product, Androgel, accusing the company for its aggressive marketing strategies leading to thousands of men and their doctors to believe that they had low-t levels, which was actually a normal sign of aging.

The unpredictable rise and fall in the litigations subject to legal announcements keep the lawyers and plaintiffs on toes, and they need a strong will and melancholic temperament to keep going and succeeding. With the advent of summer, we are in the second half of 2017. Now is an ideal time to review and define what the future holds.

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