Our Medical-Legal services are tailored to meet all the requirements of attorneys and law firms across the U.S. and can be further customized as per the demands. Our Demand Letter Drafting Services can bring about a positive and beneficial impact in providing excellent services to your clients.


A powerful Demand Letter promptly sets across to persuade another party to resolve a legal dispute without a trial. At Neural IT, a Demand Letter is drafted by Legal and Medical Professionals with an impression that will speak volumes, including a resolution over the legal dispute. A Neural IT settlement demand letter is a perfect solution to set things right in court cases. A powerful well-written settlement demand letter can lead to an out-of-court settlement of the dispute. Problems are addressed in a more probable way for the clients giving them a good chance to avoid the ensuing legal fees and the harrowing court visits. Chances of filing a lawsuit are reduced by the subtle undertone of a Demand Letter. Challenges are galore while drafting an invincible demand letter. Neural IT can help you overcome this challenge. The following discussion can help you understand the benefits of assigning demand letter drafting to Neural IT.

Parts Of A Settlement Demand Letter

When constructing a demand letter, the layout is important but so too are grammar, spelling, and attention to detail. Make sure that all parties mentioned in the letter have their personal or business names correctly spelled and that the document in professional-looking and error-free.

It's also good to use approximations when discussing events to account for generalities, slight measurement differences, and the tricks that your mind can play on you during times of stress. For example, while a car wreck may have occurred at noon exactly by your vehicle's clock, another vehicle or security camera may say 12:02, leading to potential inaccuracies the defendant's lawyer could exploit. Use phrases like "about", "on or around", or just "approximately" when needed to allow for a factual account with some leeway for discrepancies.

Demand Letter Heading

The heading of your demand letter should explain the relationships between involved parties and their identities. It should include your name, address, and a date for the letter. If sending to an insurance company, you would include their name, address, and a line directing the personal injury demand letter to the attention of an adjustor by name and title if one has been assigned to your claim. Next will be the name and address of the at-fault party, including their policy number and any claim number if the letter is going to their insurance carrier. End your heading by stating the date and type of injury and plainly that this letter is being issued only for settlement purposes so that, if you are forced to sue, it cannot be used to "cap" your compensation.

The Introduction, Accident, And Injury

A simple introductory preface followed by a brief description of the accident and injury should open your letter. This should include a broad outline of the accident's location, time, and the parties involved. You'll follow this paragraph with a short description of the damages. This opening section sets the groundwork for the details to follow.

Basis For Damages

The lengthiest section of your letter will layout your claim in detail. Start by providing background context, then descriptively walk the reader through the accident. Afterward, you will need to detail the injuries and/or property damage you've suffered as well as the actions you've taken to repair those damages and return to your previous lifestyle. Finally, you should state your reasoning for why the defendant was directly responsible for causing these injuries to you. Keep this information descriptive but factual, as you will need to attach documentation to your personal injury demand letter to back up your statements.

The Ask

Now that you've provided the description of the accident and its aftermath, it's time to make your demand for compensation. Start by listing the specific and documented damages first. This can be the cost of repairs to your property, medical care for yourself, and lost wages from your recovery time. Next, you'll ask for general damages, such as pain and suffering or emotional distress, restating your justification for the amounts you've asked for.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Lastly, close out your personal injury demand letter with a final restating of your case distilled down to a single sentence and a timeline before ending it professionally but cordially. Advise them documentation is attached, sign your settlement demand letter in black or blue ink, and make two copies

Mail one copy to the insurance company (or defendant if no insurance company is involved) via the United States Postal Service's certified mail, return receipt requested service. This ensures tracking and provides not only proof of mailing but also proof of delivery. When you receive the delivery receipt, attach it to one copy and keep it for your records. The third copy will be your "working copy" to use when speaking with an adjuster, negotiating a settlement, or to take notes on as needed.

In-House Demand Letter Drafting Challenges:

  • High Legal Costs: Personal Injury law firms are witnessing a higher number of cases being filed making it necessary for them to allocate more resources and cost towards investing in administrative needs, infrastructure expansion, and legalizing the documentation targets. Drafting a personal injury demand letter by an in-house team of paralegals and legal staff can be costly, ranging between $50 -$500 per hour. This is a huge amount compared to what one would have to pay while outsourcing to Neural IT. Thus, demand letter drafting via a third party can prove to be essential and tangible.
  • Time Consideration: In a disorganized and haphazard working environment, more time is channelized behind the paperwork of critical projects. The in-house legal workforce finds the entire process of drafting documents like personal injury demand letters extremely draining and time-consuming since it involves looking through every minute detail of the injury claims followed by proper medical records or bills organization.

A Powerful Well-Drafted Demand Letter:

  • Should be the perfect legal remedy to resolve a dispute out-of-court.
  • Should have a polite yet formal tone in getting the desired response from the addressee.
  • Should aim in settling the matter to avoid the ensuing cost of legal fees and the added burden of court visits.

Hurdles Faced While Drafting A Demand Letter In-House:

  • Time factor
  • Rising legal expenses
  • Maintaining a quality benchmark
  • Compelling and thoughtful end result
  • Ability to negotiate an early settlement

Benefits Of Outsourcing Demand Letters:

  • Cost optimization
  • Reduced court trips
  • Competitive edge in your work
  • Professional touch in your demand letters
  • Time zone advantage for pressing legal projects

An 'All-In-One' Demand Letter Package

A Well-Drafted Demand Letter With:

  • Incident description with images
  • State-specific case laws and statutes
  • Liability clause
  • Injuries and medical treatments
  • Diagnosis of injuries with reference to ICD-10 Codes
  • Medical illustration
  • Economic & Non-economic losses
  • Property damages
  • Total damages summary table
  • Closing paragraph

A Settlement Sheet Comprising Of:

  • Medical bills provided by the hospitals with date, purpose of visit, and amount
  • Mileage expense: Details of expenses incurred due to visits made to medical facilities
  • List of providers, insurance details, and final settlement amount

A Hot Sheet Covering:

  • Past medical history
  • Past surgical history
  • Missing records are relayed back in the form of notes post the demand letter package


  • All relevant records are chronologically arranged, bifurcated, and synchronized with the demand letter content.

We follow ICD-10 Codes for diagnosis of injuries while drafting a Demand Letter

Why Outsource To Neural IT?

1. Turnaround Time & Time Zone Advantage:

The time-zone difference is a key advantage benefiting our clients as well as us. It enables better utilization of resources, which, in turn, saves costs and gives more solid revenue generation opportunities for the clients.

2. Pricing & Refund Policy:

Our pricing starts @ $65 to draft a 100-page assignment into a Demand Letter and $0.60 per additional assignment page.
You can try free samples to get a glimpse of our work, before opting for our services.
After opting for our services, if you happen to change your mind at any given point of time during the tenure of the contract, we will refund the balance amount.

3. Client Format:

One of our core competencies lies in the ability to deliver completely customized demand letters as per the client's template. We also have a wide range of 'state-specific' demand letter template, spanning nearly 30 states across the U.S.

4. HIPAA/ISO Accreditation:

We give utmost importance to the security of sensitive health records and personal information provided by our clients. We are HIPAA compliant and ISO 27001:2013 certified company with ISMS certification.

5. Technology Support:

Our complementary feature is a web portal 'Entrust' that accompanies our services. With Entrust, our clients can manage invoices, track assignments, upload documents, and can access anytime anywhere. Clients also receive customizable reports with statuses to determine progress.

6. Skilled Legal & Medical Professionals:

We have highly skilled legal and medical professionals who are well acquainted with U.S. law practices.


No. A Demand Letter can only set a tone for settlement negotiation.

Our pricing starts @ $65 to draft a 100-page assignment into a Demand Letter and $0.60 per additional assignment page.

Less than a week, it depends on the length of the case.

Yes, our team can customize the demand draft as per your instructions and prepare a Demand Letter.

We will refund your balance amount if you choose to discontinue using our services for any reason.

Confidential information of your clients is secure with us. We are ISO 27001:2013 Certified and HIPAA compliant.

You may opt to try our services for free and arrive at a decision. We provide the first 2 cases as free samples.

Our pricing starts @ $65 to draft a 100-page assignment into a Demand Letter and $0.60 per additional assignment page.